Coverage of scientific cognition of the operative search activity
and associated realities, as well as of other professional investigation studies
is the specialization of the Field Investigator (Sleuth) Journal
General Information
about the Field Investigator (Sleuth)
- General
1.1 The Field Investigator (Sleuth) Journal is a peer-reviewed scientific publication duly registered as a mass medium with the Ministry for Printed Mass Media, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communication of the Russian Federation (Certificate Series PI No. 77-18067, dated May 24, 2014).
The Journal was co-founded by I.I. Shumilova and A.Yu. Shumilov.
1.2. The Journal has been assigned ISSN 1999-2696.
1.3. Field Investigator (Sleuth) is a subscription periodical. The subscription index at the Post of Russia as the distributor under a subscription agreement is 10925.
1.4. The contents of the Journal are mainly scientific articles, overviews, reviews and opinions.
1.5. The Field Investigator (Sleuth) Journal is a quarterly publication. Since its foundation 10 years ago, it has been issued four times a year (eight issues every two years).
The capacity of the Journal is 68 pages of A4 size paper.
1.6. The Field Investigator (Sleuth) Journal has an official website in the Internet ( where information about the publishing house, the editor-in-chief and the editorial team and their contact details are posted for public access, along with a description of the Journal’s remit, rules for sending, reviewing and publishing scientific articles, scientific summaries and key words for all scientific articles and overviews published in the Journal in the past two years (2013—2014). (see the relevant sections of the website.)
1.7. The Field Investigator (Sleuth) Journal is included in the eLIBRARY.RU Scientific Electronic Library database and registered in the eLIBRARY.RU platform Russian Scientific Citation Index (RSCI) and regularly updates the RSCI on scientific articles and other materials published.
With the RSCI five-year impact factor (including the translated version but excluding self-citation) in 2013 being 0,151, our Journal ranks 82nd of 636 law journals and 1236th of all of 49 478 scientific journals registered in the eLIBRARY.RU Scientific Electronic Library.
The Journal has a ten-year h-index of 7 (22nd of law journals and 849th of all scientific journals).
URL: (reference date: 12 February 2015).
1.8. By resolution of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Field Investigator (Sleuth) Journal has been included in the List of Russian Peer-reviewed Scientific Journals (sequential number 1468) for compulsory publication of key scientific results of doctoral and candidate’s dissertations.
- About the Editorial Team and the Editor-in-Chief
2.1. The editorial team of the Field Investigator (Sleuth) Journal consists of an editor-in-chief, a deputy editor-in-chief, a copy editor, an authorized representative for the Siberian and the Far-Eastern Federal Districts (V.K. Znikin), and editorial staff.
2.2. The Editor-in-Chief of the Field Investigator (Sleuth) Journal is Alexander Yulievich Shumilov, Professor of the Chair of Operative Search Activity at the Law Enforcement Institute of the Russian Customs Academy (Moscow Region, Lyubertsy), Doctor of Law, Professor. Tel.: 8-495-368-3567. E-mail:
2.3. The Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Field Investigator (Sleuth) Journal is Irina Ivanovna Shumilova, its co-founder. Tel.: 8-495-368-3567. E-mail:
2.4. Registered address: P.O. Box 476, Moscow, 111141.
Tel./fax: 8-495-368-3567.
- About the Editorial Board
3.1. The current Editorial Board of the Field Investigator (Sleuth) Journal comprises 14 doctors of science and six candidates of science representing seven constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Volgograd Region, Kemerovo Region, Krasnoyarsk Region, Moscow, Moscow Region, Omsk Region, Saint Petersburg) and four foreign countries (the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Tajikistan, Ukraine).
3.2. The current Editorial Board of the Field Investigator (Sleuth) Journal features some of the most well-known (cited) legal scholars of the Russian Federation among its members.
Thus, Prof. Yu.M. Antonyan ranks 16th (h-index of 11) of 18 906 lawyers represented in the eLIBRARY.RU Scientific Electronic Library by the number of works cited (2647); Prof. A.Yu. Shumilov, 54th (1314 citations, h-index of 10). URL: (reference date: 12.02.2015).
3.3. Chair of the Editorial Board: Alexander Yulievich Shumilov, Doctor of Law, Professor.
3.4. Deputy Chair of the Editorial Board: Valery Kolossovich Znikin, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.
3.5. For information about all current members of the Editorial Board of the Field Investigator (Sleuth) Journal and their contact details, see the Editorial Board section of our website.
- Our Remit
4.1. The Field Investigator (Sleuth) Journal has two types of sections – regular and occasional.
Our regular sections are Problems of Theory and Practice of Modern Operative Search Activity, History of Professional Investigation and Operative Search Activity, Masters of Theory and Practice of Operative Search Activity, Tribune of Candidates for Degrees in Law, Operative Search Activity Abroad. International Cooperation, Review Page.
Such sections as Allied Areas of Scientific Knowledge and Practice, Editor-in-Chief’s Note, etc. appear from time to time.
4.2. For more details about the subject matter of the journal see sub-section Journal (section About the Journal) and about the contents of specific topic see sub-section Contents.
- Main Proceedings
5.1. The Editorial Office staff and the Editorial Board of the Journal review all submitted materials that fit the Journal’s remit for their expert assessment. All reviewers are acknowledged experts in the fields to which materials submitted for their review pertain. Reviews are stored at the publishing house and the Editorial Office for five years.
5.2. The Editorial Office of the Journal sends copies of reviews or motivated refusals to authors of submitted materials.
5.3. The Editorial Office of the Journal sends copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation if requested.
5.4. The Editorial Office of the Journal requires that authors strictly comply with all the rules of the Field Investigator (Sleuth) Journal that meet the Requirements for Peer-reviewed Scientific Publications (approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 793, dated July 25, 2014).
5.5. The Editorial Office ensures indefinite storage, full safety and accessibility of scientific articles and other materials published in the Journal.
- Rules for Submitting (Sending),
Reviewing and Publishing Manuscripts
(Including Scientific Ones)
6.1. The Rules for Submitting (Sending), Reviewing and Publishing Manuscripts (Including Scientific Ones) were first published in 2008 (Issue No. 2 (15). The version dated December 21, 2013 of the Rules is currently in force.
6.2. The Rules are available at our website (For Authors section).
- Scientific Summaries and Keywords
for Scientific Articles and Overviews
7.1. In compliance with the Requirements (approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 793, dated July 25, 2014), scientific summaries and keywords for all scientific articles and overviews published in the Field Investigator (Sleuth) Journal in the past two years (2013—2014) are posted in the Russian and English languages for public access on our website.
7.2. For scientific summaries and keywords for scientific articles and overviews see the Contents section.
- Contact Details
8.1. For contact details of the Editorial Office of the Field Investigator (Sleuth) Journal see Part 2 of the About the Field Investigator (Sleuth) Journal section.
8.2. For other contact details see the Contact Details and other sections of the website.
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